Our Natural Heritage
Denham Film Campus will bring new life back into a degraded part of the Green Belt, repairing landscapes, creating new diverse ecological habitat and providing enriched biodiversity across the 112-acre site.

Improvements and Assets
Existing former landfill site
The site comprises the former landfill at Hollybush Lane, which was operational as a mineral extraction and landfill site between the 1950s and 1990s.

Access improvements:
The site is currently accessed by Hollybush Lane, which is currently uncomfortable for pedestrians and cyclists. The Lane will be improved with new combined footpath and cycleway, as well as hedgerow and tree planting.
Despoiled land in the Green Belt:
The landform will be attractively remodelled to accommodate new landscapes.

Natural assets:
The site is adjacent to Ancient Woodland, therefore development will ensure care is taken to offset development with green buffers, ecologically-sensitive lighting and maximise opportunities to enhance green and blue infrastructure.
Grade II listed Denham Mount sits c.100m to the east of the site. Proposals will provide new green connections, which respond sensitively to the setting.

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