Denham Film Campus
Welcome to the Denham Film Campus website. We would like to share our vision for the future of the land off Hollybush Lane with you and to obtain your feedback.
An Outline Planning Application is being made by UK Wealth Holdings Development (UWH) and The Studio Group (TSG) to develop a world-class film campus and bring filming back to Denham. We would welcome your views on our vision to help inform the emerging plans.
A Design and Access Statement will accompany the planning application alongside a body of technical information covering topics such as highways, drainage and flooding, Biodiversity Net Gain, ecology, landscaping, arboriculture, noise, and heritage.
Take a look around the website to find out more about our proposals and leave your comments in our ‘What happens next?’ page above.

Contact Us
If you have any queries, please contact Jamie of SP Broadway on 07706 274637 or at

SP Broadway is hosting this website on behalf of UWH Developments